A warm welcome to Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education. Despite our location in a village, a true multicultural atmosphere prevails in our campus. Our students speak different languages, profess different worship patterns, and follow diverse cultural practices. Our whopping list of programmes include Engineering, Architecture, Arts, Sciences, Business Management and Commerce, Agriculture, Horticulture, Education and Medicine. KARE offers these programmes at both the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. KARE has an exclusive International Research Centre well equipped with sophisticated machinery and material. KARE is committed to pass its research findings to the nearby industries and academia.
KARE is an eco-friendly and integrated green campus located on the panoramic foothills of the southern part of Western Ghats of Tamilnadu. The KARE houses in itself all that is essential for moulding the young children entrusted to her care into technically and ethically sound nation builders. It is a lovely sight to see the visitors from the Western Ghats—visitors like the Peacocks, the Peahens, batches of Deer, Bison, Wild Boars, Hedgehogs, to name a few. The presence of a sizable number of International communities on campus helps to be a multicultural atmosphere. It’s a Home away Home feel in KARE. Residential Life of the campus has seven Multi-storey Hostels separate for men and women, a Guest House and Staff Quarters. Separate gym facilities, indoor sports units, swimming pool, essential stores, beauty parlour, salon, tailoring shops, HSE compliant Kitchen facility, housekeeping services, laundry services, Health Services and many more add eminence to the residential life. The integrated technology innovation canter allows the innovators and entrepreneurs to grow their ideas to products with individual unit space and funding from national and international agencies. KARE possess a strong track record in terms of research collaborations, funding, publications and patents. KARE has a constant existence in the top lists of SIR (SCIMAGO Institutions Ranking. KARE’s Green campus has 163 Acres, 23 lacs Sq.Ft buildings and 11 lacs sq.ft of greeneries under the foot hill of southern western ghats. As one of the first commandments for health is cleanliness. to keep the campus clean and Green, several initiatives are taken. KARE actively participates in the following accreditations and rankings. ABET, THE WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKINGS, THE IMPACT RANKINGS, NIRF,NAAC, NBA etc.,